Buy the best quality silica 3

Sale of silica withHighest qualityFrom Hamadan Silica Company

Hamadan Silica Company is proud to be the first manufacturer and main supplier of industries whose raw materials are different types of silica with different purity and quality, as well as carbonate and calcium, feldspar, dolomite, anthracite, interactive and activated carbon with more than three The decade of its brilliant history continues to be the first choice of the dear customers and craftsmen of the country in supplying the mentioned materials based on customer orientation and honesty in transactions, and it is the first choice in the field of selling silica.

سیلیس ممتاز

All products of this company are offered to the customer in different quantities and purity at reasonable prices, so that the esteemed customer will have the right to choose according to the desired application. In some applications, the need for minerals such as silica, carbonate, feldspar, anthracite, etc. is not of high purity, and more ordinary quality will meet the need and will cause significant cost savings. In some applications, the maximum possible quality and purity is required, which will be suggested with the guidance and advice of the company’s experts. Different packages from 30 kg to 50 kg and jumbo bags as well as loading on pallets and other facilities will affect the final price. Some customers request unnamed bags for which it will be possible to provide raw bags. The final effect is prepared.


To buy silica, buy anthracite, buy micronized powder at a reasonable price and excellent quality, you can contact Hamadan Silica Company. Hamedan Silica Company has always tried during its work activity to attract customer satisfaction by providing quality products and reasonable prices. By purchasing from Hamedan Silica Company, you will contact the manufacturer directly and the additional costs such as commission and wastes will be eliminated. It should be noted that due to the brilliant and long history of this company, many people by connecting themselves to this production unit or creating sites and activities with the Hamadan Silica brand or nominal similarities to the Hamadan Silica Company sell low quality products with They have raised the price, which requires vigilance and consideration, and it doubles our dear customers before buying.

Finally, due to the diverse range of products and the specialized need of each customer for granulated silica products, micronized powders and other minerals, for price inquiries and receiving technical information, please contact the sales experts of Hamadan Silica Company.

Buy the best quality silica 4

Contact number of sales experts of Hamadan Silica Company:



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